Waste Collection Services

Port Services
Waste Collection Services

Port Services

In the scope of the “Taking Wastes from Ships and Control of Wastes Directive” that has been effective by being published at the Official Gazette dated 26 December 2004 and number 25682; petrol and petrol derives wastes (bilge water,  slash, waste oil, slope) that happen as solution of the normal activities of the ships and being in the scope of MARPOL 73/78 ANNEX 1; dirty water in scope of MARPOL 73/78 ANNEX IV and wastes in the scope of MARPOL 73/78 ANNEX V located at the port area are being collected.

Collection of wastes from the ships service of us is being given to the ships drawing near to our port, to the ships at the port anchoring area and the buoy plants with agreement.

There are 10 stable tanks with total 1445 m3 capacity at the Waste Admission Plant. Wastes collected from the ships are stored at the plant temporarily and being sent to the plants licensed  by Ministry of Environment and Forestry for being disposed. 

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